Monthly Archives: May 2013

My book project coming soon

I have been working on a book with my illustrations as well as an accompanied story.  Many of the artwork found in the gallery section are selections of work from the book project.

About the illustrations:

All the art is with pen and ink on paper. The originals are 14X17 .

This is a project that I describe as art and iconic symbolism. The images have come to me in different times of meditation,spiritual illumination, research and interpretation. To me they represent the translation of concepts that my subconscious has molded into symbolism in order to package an entire level and representation of a more complex truth. Art is the language of the unconscious mind, a way to communicate with the more mysterious aspect of our own consciousness as a whole. The characters themselves do not exist but they are the physical manifestation of a language such as hieroglyphics. The language of the unconscious abyss. through symbols represented as animals and entities all just being various forms of sequences. They are the frequencies that we feel vibrating all around us and taking on a material form.

Although this may sound confusing it is not. It is simply the discovery that all images are a visual representation of a certain frequency and expressed through the physical eye as a symbol representing a story, a thought, an idea, an energetic fingerprint.

When I draw them they are not just illustrations that i think look nice but they carry a story, a journey. An entity of its own telling its own story through  the symbols used.

I find many people do not verbalize this phenomena, but in life that is how consciousness represents itself. In the form of  symbols that we use all around us everywhere we go. we do this naturally all day everyday in order for our brains to process the information. Knowing this I verbalize it here to make a conscious choice of questioning my subconscious for answers. The truths are buried under layer upon layer of symbols everywhere all around us, Its only a matter of acknowledging it.

For example the symbol of a Unicorn in my story does not represent a real unicorn that I fancy exists somewhere;( though maybe its does in a parallel universe), this is not the main point of the symbol in my story. For the meaning behind the symbol is much more important; which demonstrates the physical location of an antennae probing out to the cosmos and receiving answers using the highest form of experience in our human bodies; the pineal and pituitary gland located in the brain. As above so below , the saying goes what is the highest point in our physical bodies is the equivalent to the highest point in the planetary bodies and so on. Th ultimate vibration and frequency of consciousness is always located to the north, upwards through time and space.